If you are interested in sponsoring a scholarship, contact Charmel Petershere.
The Virginian-PilotScholastic Achievement Scholarship and Recognition Program recognizes outstanding academic achievement for the 61st year. By providing recognition and financial resources to students with exceptional academic achievements, service and leadership, we are making an investment in the future of our community.
The year, given the current pandemic, we will be virtually recognizing these deserving students through a specially created Facebook event page on The Virginian-Pilot Facebook page. We will continue to align our sponsors with the virtual event and special section in The Virginian-Pilot.
Our sponsors will receive prominent brand presence virtually online through videos, sponsor logos, and virtual mentions on the Facebook event page, with over 134,000 followers. As always, our sponsors will receive exposure to more then 230,000 readers in the special section of The Virginian-Pilot.