It makes perfect sense that the most mobile of consumers are not only motivated to travel but programmed to use their smartphones to get away.

Eighty-four percent of Generation Z–those born from the mid-1990s on, and the most tech-driven of adventurers—are influenced by social media when it comes to travel, according to a survey conducted by Expedia Group Media Solutions. The survey found that some 70 percent of GenZers use a smartphone in searching for inspiration, ideas and deals.

But what’s surprising is that 60 percent of this savvy generation said advertising influences their travel decisions. And that, the website concludes, indicates “the group’s receptiveness to promotions from travel marketers.”

The best way for travel-related advertisers like airlines, hotels and resorts to influence young people on the move is clearly through mobile platforms. Here, as notes, are a few tips for marketers looking to help GenZers pack their bags:

  • The first-born members of GenerationZ are willing to spend on travel now, before the responsibilities of career and family kick in.
  • They’re interested in deals, to be sure, but they also want to experience the world and instantly share it, in photos and videos, through channels and sites like YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat.
  • They’re more likely than previous generations to seek activity-oriented vacations, like hiking or traveling to music festivals.
  • As such, marketers and advertisers are most likely to grab their attention with messaging tailored around these experiences.
  • Finally, more than older generations, this group is also more likely to see the opinions of social influences; according to a PwC study, 55 percent of  GenZers follow influencers with similar interests compared to 41 percent of the general population.

What all of this boils down to is a clear route for how marketers can leverage the power and reach of social media to connect with this generation on the go.